
Seven Ways You Can Honor Our Military This Memorial Day

Memorial Day is much more than just a long weekend with friends and family, it’s a day of honor and remembrance. 

Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a day for remembering, honoring, and mourning the military personnel that passed while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Make this year’s Memorial Day a day to remember our fallen soldiers and give glory to our current armed forces. Participate in one or all of these seven ways of honoring this day. 

Fly Your Flag
Displaying your flag outside your home or in your home is a way to demonstrate your patriotism and appreciation for those who served to protect our country and for those who continue to serve.

Join in on the National Moment of Remembrance
At 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day, we are asked to pause for a moment of silence to honor those who died in military service to the U.S.

Visit or Volunteer at Your Local VA Hospital
Visiting or volunteering at your local VA Hospital is another way to show your appreciation for our veterans who fought for our country. Memorial Day could be a difficult time for veterans who know what those who died in the line of service experienced. Volunteering or just visiting could be the way to put a smile on our veteran’s faces and to show your thankfulness. 

Visit Grave Sites
Dating back to the Civil War it was customary to visit the graves of soldiers and lay flowers and flags on Memorial Day. Pay your respects this Memorial day and visit your local cemetery to lay a flower or a flag to honor our late soldiers for their service.

Wear Memorial Day Poppies
Poppies are the signature flower for representation of Memorial Day. Pin one of these to your shirt, jacket, or hat and wear it around to show your honor for our fallen soldiers. 

Attend Local Memorial Day Parades
Memorial Day parades are a great way for the community to come together to show their support and appreciation for those who died in the line of service and for those who continue to serve our country. These parades consist of first responders of all trades, city officials, volunteers from local non-profit organizations (like ours), and many others. 

Visit one of our National Memorials
Pay a visit to one of our country’s national memorials this Memorial Day. The Arlington Cemetery holds a Memorial Day Observance Ceremony where a prelude is performed by the United States Marine Corp band, a full honor wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and an observance ceremony. Often, the president attends this ceremony. 


Help a veteran or first responder today with a visit the monuments erected in their honor . It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.