
Paying Your Respects on 9/11

Nineteen years ago today, thousands of innocent victims lost their lives to a tragedy that still affects our country today. It is our duty to honor these brave servicemen and women, along with the thousands of others injured and killed. There are numerous ways in which you can pay your respects in memory of 9/11.

Thank a soldier, veteran, or first responder

Without first responders, many more lives would have been lost on 9/11. Of the almost 3,000 individuals who were killed, 400 of those were first responders. 18 people were rescued from the remains of the World Trade Center. Many survivors still suffer from breathing problems such as asthma and lung inflammation as a result of the incident. These brave first responders risked their lives to save others, and they deserve to be thanked for their selfless service.

Visit a Memorial

There are over 700 recorded memorials honoring the lives lost on 9/11. The National September 11 Memorial and Museum is located in New York City, just a short walk from the World Trade Center. You can find a list of memorials by state here.


Volunteering at a local veterans assistance program is a great way to get out and show your appreciation for our veterans’ service. These programs allow you to directly assist veterans by helping them with tasks they may have difficulty doing, such as housework or running errands. Freedom Flight offers ways in which you can support our veterans through volunteer work as well, which can be found on our website.

Donate supplies to soldiers

Sending a care package filled with essential items such as food and sanitary products will directly benefit our troops. Other items for entertainment such as books, journals, and board games can be sent as well. Include a handwritten note thanking the soldiers for their service to show your gratitude.

Fly your flag outside your home

Show your support for our country and those who have fought for it by displaying the flag outside your home. Let first responders and veterans know you care and acknowledge their sacrifices.

Paying your respects on 9/11 is extremely important, however you can still practice these measures every day. Help raise awareness and support our troops, veterans, and first responders by sharing some of these ideas with others. Take a moment of silence today to remember the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for our country.