
Featured Sponsor of the Week  Glory Vodka

One of our proud sponsors near and dear to our hearts is Glory Vodka. Why is a vodka brand near and dear to us you may ask? With their bottle taking the shape of a bullet, Glory Vodka instills a message of hope and peace for Veterans.

Glory for Vets is the brand’s civil integration for veterans. They take unemployed vets and turn them into Glory Sales Ambassadors. It is so important to support our veterans as they return from combat as it is often difficult for veterans to find jobs after being away for an extended period of time.

“Go for the Glory… because life is too short to blend in.”
– Glory Vodka

The creator of Glory, Marius, instills this message in honor of his great grandfather who fought in World War II. At the war’s completion, Marius explains that the American GI soldiers wished to bring back spirits to the U.S. However, because the war was just following the Prohibition, the soldiers could not openly bring back alcohol into the U.S.

Instead, the soldiers filled bullet caps with vodka and covertly brought the spirits back with them. This is what gave Marius his idea for the bullet-shaped bottle, along with the bottle cap doubling as a bullet shot glass.

Join Freedom Flight South Florida in bringing Glory for Vets. Be a part of something truly special. It will touch your heart and soul.


Help a veteran or first responder today with a visit the monuments erected in their honor . It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.